Horasis 2022

No dia 19/02/22 o presidente do IBREI, Maurício Prazak, foi palestrante de mais uma edição do Horasis Global Meeting 2022.
Com a participação de mais de 550 speakers, entre CEOs, presidentes de empresas e autoridades governamentais de diversos países, mais uma vez o Evento se consagra como um dos maiores fóruns de líderes empresariais do mundo.

Maurício Prazak foi um dos palestrantes do painel Generating a Social Awareness about Sustainability que abordou o assunto:
In some nation’s individuals have learned a social obligation not to drink and drive or to smoke in public – aided by laws and public awareness campaigns. These actions have taken years to enact are not embedded globally. How can we raise awareness about sustainability, regeneration and the circular economy? Are we too short-sighted and selfish to consider our neighbors and our children’s children to protect the planet? What good ideas might change our attitudes?
Participaram do painel:
• Mauricio Prazak, President, Brazilian Institute of International Business Relations, Brazil
• Felix von Schubert, Executive Chairman, Infrontier, United Kingdom
• Linda Villarreal-Paierl, Chief Executive Officer, Paierl Consulting, Austria
Chaired by
• William Wescott, Chairman, BrainOxygen, USA
Assista a Íntegra do Painel Generating a Social Awareness about Sustainability
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