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Engenheiros de Robótica

Committee: Business Management and Innovation

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"The growth and development of companies must necessarily involve some fundamental themes. For this reason, the committee focuses its work on topics such as digital transformation, innovation, technology, as well as family business management." - Marina Miranda

Committee Chair

Marina Miranda

Núcleos Temáticos

Solar Panels

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Studies focused on the dissemination, improvement, and support of entrepreneurship, innovation, and startup projects

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Nucleus President

Marina Miranda

Business Meeting

Technology and Digital Transformation

Studies focused on the dissemination, improvement, and support of technology and digital transformation projects

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Nucleus President

Daniel Lau

Team Brainstorm

Family Businesses

Studies focused on the dissemination, improvement, and support of family business projects

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Nucleus President

Udo Gierlich

Atuação da Comissão

• Present statistical data on the results obtained through the inclusion of diversity in business environments, both in the private and public sectors;

• Develop, when applicable, advertising campaigns, training, guidance, courses, lectures, and workshops to promote diversity inclusion;

• Train Board Members, Members of Boards and Executive Committees, Presidents, Directors, Managers, providing and assisting professionals in developing inclusion policies within their institutions;

• Engage in having IBREI become a signatory to international agreements addressing inclusion.

Committee Events
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Committee News
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Institutional Partnerships:

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